Dwelling Places
All of us have places we go in our mind - places made familiar because we have been there so many times.
Blood on the Door
Jesus declared in John 10 that He was the Door. His blood, shed on the cross of Calvary, is the door of our salvation.
Creating Failures
The Pharisees had reduced the law to a standard that man could keep. They prided themselves on their observance of the law. Jesus however revealed a standard that all would fail.
Shaped by a Value for His Presence
Today, so much vies for our time. The “to do” lists are long, and the responsibilities seem large. In the midst of it all, we can lose the awareness of His still small voice.
Putting it On
When we are feeling down, defeated and under the weight of sin, we are to put on praise.
Against the Odds
Let God take what you are not, and do something magnificent through you, and beat the odds.
Looking for Scapegoats
In a world where acceptance comes through performance, the longing for a scapegoat is very real.
Cleaning Shadows
We can waste time and effort trying to remove the stain of what is simply a shadow.
Ladders & Trees
If you’ve been climbing ladders, then like Zacchaeus of old, it is time to find a tree.
Uniquely You
Grace frees us not only from conformity, but also from the fear of failure. Grace shifts the focus from what we do, to who we become.
Put on Strength
The strength of a world changer already dwells within you. All you have to do is put it on.
Faith is not Fragile
Faith requires that we reach beyond what we see and know, into an unending realm that we cannot fully fathom.
Whispers in the Silence
We serve a God who whispers in the silence. His heart and His voice are always found by those who seek for Him.
Meeting Need
It is not about our performance or our ability: it is about the goodness of God and His desire to meet the needs of others through us.
I Have Prayed for You
Jesus does not expect our perfection – He gave us His. There are times when we fail and disappoint ourselves and others. It is then that we need to know that we’re still welcomed and loved.
Courage Comes from a Heart that is Convinced it is Loved
There is a confidence that comes from knowing that we are loved – that Papa God cares for us; watches over us and works on our behalf.