Whispers in the Silence
They say that for 400 years, God was silent. Apparently, He closed the Old Testament, and did not speak again until the shrill cry of a new-born babe. While this sounds poignant and highlights the glory of Christ, it fails to address the presence of Anna the prophetess, or the revelation held by Simeon. This man, lead of the Spirit of God, came to the temple at the dedication of the Christ child.
True, there are no books to read, nor stories to tell from the years of silence before He came. Yet we serve a God who whispers in the silence. His heart and His voice are always found by those who seek for Him.
History speaks of “silent years” and “Dark Ages,” but the God who does not change still speaks to those who draw near to hear. When prophets are silent, and the world simply waits, the Lord whispers in the silence.