Prayer Journaling

The following prayer journals are deep intimate writings created from times of personal prayer. They are intended as a catalyst for your own times of devotion and encounter with the Lord.

Some are written as prayers from our heart to God, others are written as God’s response to us.

Gentle Whispers

The “still small voice” spoken of in 1 Kings is translated as a gentle whisper by The New Living Translation. These words capture the subtle nature yet exquisite thrill of sensing the voice of God. How our hearts delight when He speaks to us.

The following Gentle Whispers come from my own times of communing with the Lord. They are shared with the hope that your heart will also be touched and that you will long for more of Him. 

Heart’s Cry

Heart’s Cry captures the longing of the heart for more of Him. These expressions of longing are free-form and unrestrained, for passion never comes neatly packaged. They capture something of the wildness and adventure of love. They reach for the unseen, the unknown and yet the deeply perceived and longed for.

Song in the Night

There are times when we struggle, and the light of His presence appears to dim. It is in these times of difficulty and pain, that we long to hear His voice of comfort and strength. 

Psalm 42:8 promises:

the Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night, His song shall be with me. 

I pray that as you read through these words, that they will give you courage and inspire hope. May you become aware of the One who loves you, and may you hear His song in the night.