Gentle Whispers
Thoughts from the heart of God
I’m Not Disappointed
When you bask in My love, insecurity and fear flee. They cannot live in the presence of Love.
Small Things
With the smallest of hope, life is released. With the whisper of prayer, heaven stirs.
My Heart Burns
My heart burns with longing for the ones I have made. I made them like Me. They carry My image and hold My heart.
Empowered Not Condemned
You are called to look temptation in the eye and to know that My grace is sufficient to empower you to walk free.
Delight in the Light
Let light fashion a home of liberty and love. It brightens the shadows and dispels the fear.
Tend Your Garden Well
Tend your garden well. It is a place of tranquillity, but it must be maintained.
Let Me Be Your Mirror
Do not let the opinions of others define your worth. Look towards Me.