Empowered Not Condemned

You see sin as something that must be punished. You condemn it in others and live your life in the shadow of its shame. Yet I see sin as something that has been atoned for. I bore its penalty - I broke its shame. Yet My people still live under the power of this defeated foe and drink the poison of its lies.

You pull back when you are tempted, feeling ashamed that you are drawn to things that are not of Me. All the while I am by your side, waiting to strengthen and empower. Your guilt however blinds you to My presence, and your shame takes you out of My strength. Don’t you know that I was tempted just like you? Don’t you know that I bore the weight of your sin and felt its shame? I broke its power and redeemed your life. There is no condemnation to fear - no punishment to be exacted. I have freed you from sin and I have freed you from shame. Do not wear its lies. Do not come under its cloak of deception. 

I am not disappointed in you. I long to empower, not condemn. I long to have you share in My victory, but for that to be so, you must hold My hand and trust in My heart.

You are destined to be an overcomer. It is part of My plan for you. You are called to look temptation in the eye and to know that My grace is sufficient to empower you to walk free. So, look up, don’t look down. See My smile that reassures your heart that I am not disappointed when you are tempted. I am with you - I will not leave you. Together we will walk into victory, but you cannot walk there alone. So, take My hand, trust My heart, and know that I am here to empower, not condemn.


My Robe


Delight in the Light