Insights & Studies
In the following studies I share my own personal insights and revelations from the Word of God. These thoughts are not intended as theological expositions, but rather are designed to encourage participation in a journey of devotion.
Each study is intended to take us closer to the heavenly author and the thoughts and intent of His heart.
At the conclusion, the reader is encouraged to reflect on what has been shared. While reading provides us with information, it is contemplation that changes what we read into a revelation we can experience and embrace.
Often a prayer prompt is also included at the end. This is a conversation starter rather than a set prayer. Only we can give true expression to what is in our heart, and it is our heart that the Lord wants to hear.
Unless indicated otherwise, all scriptures are taken from the New King James Version.
God with Scars
Why would Jesus’ resurrected body still carry the scars of the nails that impaled Him? The imprint of the nails are more than scars from His crucifixion. They are the marks of covenant.
Choosing the Good Part
Jesus said of Mary that she chose the good part. It was not given to her, forced upon her, or demanded of her. She simply chose. That is the nature of the “good part.” It must be chosen, for it is easily overlooked, often missed, and frequently crowded out by other things.
Waste or Worship
Worship has a focus. It is centred on His heart, not our reputation or fame. Whether we are known is in His hands. Whether we are willing to break open what we hold, and pour out our lives in worship, is our choice.
Nine Lepers
What stopped nine healed lepers from returning and giving thanks? What prevented them from coming and being at the feet of Jesus?
The Enemy’s Lies
The rebuilding process undertaken by Nehemiah provides a picture of restoration. Though we love and serve the Lord, our lives are often full of brokenness and destruction. The Holy Spirit comes to restore and rebuild.
What Slowed You Down?
Those who have walked the path of failure, or stumbled in the pursuit of a dream, know the lure of the uncomplicated and the solace of the mundane.
Close the Book
As hard as it is, we need to close the book and stop rereading our stories of heartache and injustice. To close the book is to choose to listen for a voice greater than our own. It is to trust in the One who can rewrite our history.
The Long Road
Regardless of how far we have travelled, or how long we have clung to a promise, His word is true. There will come a time in our journey when we will see what we have believed for. Until then, we walk holding on to His Word.
Errors of Reason
The mind is a powerful tool. It is meant to serve us, not control us. It is an expert at reasoning but is easily trapped within the rut of previous experiences and the confines of our own perceptions.
Father’s Embrace
The moment we turn towards heaven, Father sees, and He runs to meet us. We may feel totally unworthy, but the One who holds us will clothe us as a son and celebrate our return.
Dropping Our Stones
The tension between law and mercy plays out many times in our lives. As believers our conscience is soft, and our standards are high. The role of Judge, however, is not left in the hands of men.
Calling Our Name
Jesus sees the questions that plagues our mind and the sorrow that stills our steps. When we are lost in anguish and grief, He calls us by name.
A Beggar’s Cloak
Blind Bartimaeus threw aside his garment even before he rose to come to Jesus. Why such an action? Why did he part with his garment before he went after the healing that he was so desperate to claim?