
Reliance is a strong word, and a powerful stance. It speaks of a bended knee and the yielded heart. It speaks of one who dares to look beyond self and sees the sufficiency of their God.

Others may say you are weak. The devil may taunt you with lies of insufficiency. But you are strong, for you know where your strength lies. Like Samson of old, you are positioned to remove gates, break bondages, and defy the enemy. Your strength does not come from you, but from your reliance upon the One who lives within you. 

You are adorned with devotion, seen by angels, and feared by demons. Do not let the enemy lull you to sleep in his lap. He seeks to sever the reliance that defines your life. Succeed where Samson failed. Shun the arrogance that causes many to fall. Walk free of the striving, that leads My dear ones to fail. Clothe yourself with humility. Live from reliance upon Me, and watch what I will do in you and through you.


I’m Not Disappointed