Child You Are Not Alone

Child, you are not alone.
I came to be one with you.
I came to taste this life that you live
and to take your place so you can share My place.
My place from eternity past is now your place from eternity forward.
You are where I am.
Nothing can diminish the life you have in Me,
for I Am that life.

Come live an adventure in Me.
Rise up and soar in the heavenlies;
climb the mountains of My presence
and look from the heights at what I have prepared for you.
My delight was to prepare an inheritance for you:
a reward for you to enter into and enjoy.

This world is but a taste
of the splendor, majesty, and glory of what I have prepared.
Your soul will rejoice in all I have done
and I delight to reveal it to you.
So come, walk on heights with Me.
Lean into Me and I will carry you to realms in My Spirit
and you will see the unseen
and experience what is not yet revealed.



