Shaped by a Value for His Presence

What we value, shapes who we are. It determines what we do with our time and our money. It dictates the choices we make and the priorities we live by.

When we value His presence, we will seek His face. We will guard our times of prayer, study, and worship. Church will no longer be an added extra. Like David, we will declare “One day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere” (Psalm84:10). 

Today, so much vies for our time. The “to do” lists are long, and the responsibilities seem large. In the midst of it all, we can lose the awareness of His still small voice - that gentle yet persistent voice that calls for our attention and challenges our distractions. Oh, how easily we become like the prophet who declares, “While your servant was busy here and there, he was gone" (1 Kings 20:40). 

In the midst of our busyness we have to lay aside the weights and not just the sins (Hebrews 12:1). We need to come aside, rest in His presence and learn to take His yoke upon us (Matthew 11:30). Yokes are not hard to find – life will provide us with plenty. However, as we learn to value His presence, we will start to wear His yoke. It is a yoke that can take weight without weighing us down. It is a yoke that will keep us in step with One who is gentle and lowly of heart. To wear His yoke is to join our hearts with His. Here in this place of unity and trust, we will find rest for our souls (Matthew 11:29).


Creating Failures


Putting it On