Blood on the Door

On the night of the very first Passover in Egypt, it was the blood on the door that kept every Israelite safe from the destroyer (Exodus 12:23; John 10:7,9). Their prophetic act of applying blood to the lintel and the two doorposts, depicted the blood stained cross where Jesus died. 

Behind this door, the Israelites were safe. No destruction would come near them. That night they were protected and covered by the blood. The very next day, they walked out of their bondage. They walked out of Egypt, blessed with silver and gold. They walked out without a feeble person among them. All disease and infirmity left, because of the blood on the door.

Jesus declared in John 10 that He was the Door (John 10:7, 9). His blood, shed on the cross of Calvary, is the door of our salvation. Because of the blood, destruction cannot touch us. Because of the blood, we are blessed, freed from bondage, and healed of every infirmity and disease. We are saved, healed, delivered, blessed, and made whole, because of the blood. On the cross, Jesus became our door and through Him we enter into the full provision and blessing of God.

Don’t trust in your own ability to access the things of God. You can never provide your own door. You can however trust in the One who has become a door for you. The blood on that door speaks of total forgiveness of sin, healing for every disease, deliverance from every bondage, and restoration of all that was lost. Through this door you have full access to His provision and blessing. 


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