The Third Gift
Gold, frankincense and myrrh were brought by the wise men and laid at the feet of Jesus. It was the recognition of a king, priest and a suffering servant.
Many long for the first gift. It is a gift of provision, blessing and abundance. It carries with it prestige and wealth. This gift is given as a stewardship of power and authority to bless the affairs of this life. The Lord longs to release this gift to those who will steward it well.
The second gift is frankincense. It speaks of prayer and devotion. It speaks of the hidden life that is poured out in worship, petition and praise. It carries with it the fragrance of presence. It is a beautiful gift to be treasured and held dear.
The third gift is a costly gift. It is desired by few. It is the gift that anoints for service and sacrifice. It is considered by many to be the least of the gifts, yet Jesus said that he who is greatest is servant of all (Matthew 23:11). Those anointed with this gift see need, hear hearts, and pour out all that they have for the sake of others. Do not underestimate this gift. Those who have it and hold it are great in the kingdom of heaven.
If this is your gift - if the touch of myrrh is upon your life, then know that this fragrance is precious in the sight of God. Jesus did not come to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). All who serve are His companions and are honoured by the Father (John 12:26). So receive this gift, love well, and let its fragrance define your life.