Following the Unseen
Life here on planet earth is often characterised by the marking off of days, weeks, months and years. Practically everything we do is governed by the clock or the calendar. We live in relationship however with One who is timeless, infinite, and unchanging. This can challenge us because we cannot fathom the infinite nor structure the unseen.
We have been conditioned to know, plan, organise and control. To live in the midst of mystery and walk by faith is a challenge for our minds and at times our emotions. We seek the safety of the known and secure. Yet we are called to “launch out into the deep” and trust the words of One we cannot see and at times, struggle to hear.
Our God however is a good God. He is loving, patient, compassionate and kind. He reassures our heart and encourages us to step beyond our fears and follow Him. It is His perfect love that casts out fear, celebrates our progress and amends for all of our mistakes.
Jesus is a good leader. He does however, expect to lead. We on the other hand, often have our own ideas or at least the desire to know why or how. Such answers give the allusion of control and the feeling of safety. The adventure of faith however involves living in the realm of mystery. A realm where we must trust in One who is unseen.
Like a good father, He watches over our timid steps as we learn to walk in tune with heaven. He celebrates our progress and catches us each time we fall. So, do not let what you don’t know, hold you back from what you do know. If you know that you are loved by God, then you know enough to climb mountains, cross rivers, and pursue dreams. There are heights to enjoy and challenges to overcome. There are promises to realise and dreams to capture and fulfil – but only when we dare to follow the Unseen.