Capture My Heart

Capture my heart, hold it in Your care.
My heart so easily wanders and
turns aside to fantasy.
It is drawn away by thoughts of pleasure,
and the lure of lies that captivate me.

Invade this world I call my own:
the thoughts of my mind and the imaginings of my heart.
They are the world within the world around me.
The one that shapes my destiny, forms my habits
and becomes the basis of my dreams.

Here in the hidden recesses of my mind,
I brew the thoughts that become my actions;
I form the concepts that become my words;
and create the emotions that become my atmosphere.

Here within, I shape my world.
Oh, be the Creator once again.
Be the One that spins my dreams into orbit,
that sets the boundaries for my imaginings;
and forms within, the fruit that I will one day enjoy.


Time With You


The Cloak of Shame