“Mediocreville” - it's close enough to Egypt to ensure we can reach for the “garlic and leeks” (Numbers 11:5) of our choice. Yet it is far enough away to convince us that we are safe in our salvation. In this land of compromise, we tend our section, maintain our status, and avoid the signposts that point to higher ground.
In “Mediocreville” our dreams die as we settle for the safe and predictable. We busy ourselves with manicured lawns and decorated entrances to well-presented homes. Yet within the safe sanctuary of its walls lies a yearning to go where we have never ventured to go. The pictures on our walls speak of adventures we have not dared to take. They call us to a life beyond the edge of town.
To follow our dream means to pack light, and to dream big. It demands that we leave our predictable life and convenience living. It stirs us to turn from the comforts of our soul and follow the dream of our heart. It summons us beyond the well-known paths, into the wide unknown. There beyond the limits of “Mediocreville”, there are no open highways or clearly written signs. There past the edge of town we must trust in our dream to sustain us, and the presence of our God to guide us.