Carriers of Hope

“… Christ in you, the hope of glory. “

Colossians 1:27

There is an aspect of Jesus love and beauty that is revealed through you. It is the Word that has been made flesh in your life and in your experience, that carries the weight of His presence and the glory of His love. 

This glory is what the world longs to see and what the Lord wants to release. It is Christ in you – in your life, in your dreams, in your darkest moments and trying circumstances. Your experience with God, makes you a witness, and a carrier of hope and a releaser of glory. 

Wherever you go, you carry hope. Your victories release the fragrance of Christ and brings encouragement to others. You hold a testimony of the goodness of God, as you have looked to Him for answers, and walked with Him through the dark valleys and the lonely nights. 

Do not underestimate what you carry. You have a story to tell and a glory to release. You are a carrier of hope in the midst of a world that has lost its way and forgotten its dream. You carry within you, the hope of glory. I encourage you to release that hope to others, so they can know that there is a God who hears their cry and answers their need. 


The Elder Son


A Call to Prayer