Awaken Me
Awaken my heart Lord, to the plans You have for me. Call me, and I will run after You. In Your call is my strength. Your invite is the joy and peace that will guide my way.
Awaken me to love. Let my heart know the passion that stirs within You. In Your love, I find life. In Your heart I find the sanctuary my soul longs for.
Greater love has no man than You. You who laid down Your life, so I could go free. In Your love, I learn to love and to live free.
Awaken my heart to joy. Let not the cares of this life overwhelm, or the desire for other things entice. Help me find my joy in Your presence and my fulfilment in Your pleasure. To please You with a life well lived, is the joy that fuels the journey and empowers my “no” to every distraction and sin.
Awaken me to the truth of Your word. Let it be the light that guides my steps. Your words feed my heart and guides my way. Awaken me to its hidden depths and life-giving truths. My heart soars upon the revelations You bring. My soul feeds on the heavenly bread You impart.