Touch the Heart
Welcome to Touch the Heart. I hope this website will help you catch a glimpse of God’s heart, and that your heart will be touched with an awareness of His constant presence and unfailing love.
The different sections of the website contain writing of different styles and lengths:
Articles are a short easy read on a variety of topics. They are quick thoughts for busy lifestyles.
Insights & Studies are longer and are generally focused on a passage of scripture. They lend themselves to times of study and interaction with the Lord.
Prayer Journalings are deep intimate writings created from times of personal prayer. They are intended as a catalyst for your own times of devotion and encounter.
About the Writer
I have loved the word of God for as long as I can remember. As a child, sitting cross-legged on the lounge floor reading Bible stories, I first met Jesus. As I read of His love and discovered that He had died for me, I gave Him my heart. That encounter with the Lord changed my life. With no one to disciple or guide me, I looked to Bible stories and the Word of God to inform and feed me.
Teenage years led to me going to a boarding school. Again, with no discipleship or Christian fellowship, I searched for the Lord in the only place I knew to find Him. Years of reading an Old King James Bible, by torchlight under the bed covers at night, left me captivated with the One I read of, and hungry to know more.
“Though I have enjoyed the many courses I’ve led and the countless messages I have been privileged to preach, I have had a burning desire to make material available to people beyond the Sunday moment”
My university years took me beyond the confines of boarding school into a fabulous world of Bible studies, prayer meetings, Sunday services and home groups. My grades were not great, but my heart was on a journey to know Him and to enjoy fellowship with other believers. I continued to long for greater revelations of His heart and His ways. A defining moment during this journey was when I committed to study the Word as an extra “course” in my university degree. It was during this time that I went through a Bible study correspondence course. I still recall with great fondness the insights it gave and the impact it had on my walk with God.
Since those days I have been a teacher, become a wife, raised a family, and ministered to others. For the last 30 years that has involved pastoring a church in Auckland, New Zealand. Though I have enjoyed the many courses I’ve led and the countless messages I have been privileged to preach, I have a burning desire to make material available to people beyond the Sunday moment - a desire to build a resource hub, accessible to all people, at all times. A phrase that has resonated with me during this journey has been, “to take learning to people, rather than bring people to learning.” God is always speaking and our opportunities to hear Him need to go beyond the confines of buildings and group gatherings.
This website is born out of the desire to make what I have personally received available to all who would simply come and receive. As Jesus declared, we do not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the Father. I trust that through this website you will discover some of the words that proceed from His heart.
- Pam
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